Thursday, February 20, 2014

Time for Revision

Since the purpose of this contest is to provide valuable feedback, we have decided to give the top 50 (as voted on and posted at noon this coming Saturday) a few hours to send a revised pitch/first sentence for the blogger round.

If your entry makes it to the next round, please send any desired revision by 6PM EST on the 22nd. We will then post the revised entries by the next morning.

If you are listed and do not send a revision, we will simply repost what you entered originally.

Best of luck to all! We hope this experience is proving helpful to everyone!

Lisa, Martina, Jan, and Alyssa


  1. Yes, it's been helpful, and, as entrants, we appreciate the suggestions we've received.

    Since the goal is to provide valuable feedback, perhaps (in a future contest, if not this one), instead of selecting the top 50 vote getters, you could choose the top 45 and the bottom 5, or some such mix. That way, the entries that need the most improvement, as measured by votes, would have the opportunity to make revisions based on comments received, and would perhaps still have a chance in the final rounds.

    1. It is a a good suggestion, and we will consider/discuss it, though please know there are reasons that we do not go that route at present. You can always feel free to enter our First Five Pages workshop online at the first Saturday of the month. That's done on a first come, first serve basis, so there is no bias. The link for that is

  2. Thank you for hosting this; my pitch is much tighter, thanks to the advice I received here. Looking forward to the next round!


Please leave your courteous and professional comments for the writer! We'd love to hear from you! : )