Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Adult Contemporary Romance: BEST LAID PLANS IN SCOTLAND

Author's Name: Lisa Leoni
Category: Adult
Genre: Contemporary romance
Stage of Completion: Mostly polished
Preferred Critique Style: Straight to the Point
Cat Person or Dog Person: Dog person
Tea or Coffee: Coffee
Short Pitch
If you like happily ever afters, in your adult books,
If you’re not into adverbs, if you like good hooks,
If you like sending gifs at midnight with a good swear,
I’m the CP that you’ve looked for. Write to me and let’s share.

I write snarky and funny romance with some cussing and a sex scene or two. I tend to write a full draft then revise. I want CP relationships that include brainstorming, chapter/full MS swaps, cheerleading, safe space for venting, and career support. Be my romance writing bestie?

Writing Sample
Marie never considered herself a complete and utter moron, but she supposed the lack of self-awareness was the first sign of being one.
She wiped her muddied light gray slacks with the single napkin she'd grabbed on her way out of Stumptown Coffee. It shredded, leaving paper specks behind. Great. The taxi had come out of nowhere like the Night Bus from Harry Potter. The front wheels screamed as the driver had taken the corner too fast, racing through a puddle. The bottom half of her pants bore witness to the tragedy.
A polished woman in a bodycon royal blue dress raised an eyebrow and smiled with her hand covering her mouth. Marie weighed the pros and cons of duplicating her own stains on the woman's dress, but decided against wasting her caffeinated ambrosia.
The meeting with her boss would begin in twenty minutes and she still had to hop on the streetcar. No time to change clothes. It would take ten of those minutes to walk back to her condo. A taxi wouldn't save any time at rush hour. She wasn't too hot on taxis at the moment, anyway.
She could hide the stain most of the day in her cubicle. It wasn't worth being late so she'd soldier on. Marie held her head high as she strode through the double glass doors that read Rose City Software Solutions.
A soft buzz from her bag signaled a five-minute warning for her meeting.


  1. Lisa,

    I've seen you some on Twitter so I pulled up your sample to read. I'm not sure that I am the CP for you as I am not much of one for romance stories. But yours looks funny. And I love funny so I read it twice.

    I kept going back to the first sentence. I think it starts great so I read it multiple times trying to put a punch onto its end feeling it needed something to match how well the rest of the sample begins. How about: "Marie never considered herself a complete and utter moron no matter how many times other people said it."

    Just a random thought.


  2. Alas, I am a cat person (mostly by circumstance), but I do love me some coffee and the rest of your post and sample. I only just discovered this event but if you'd like to touch base on Twitter @kitforbeswrites I can direct you to a sample of mine.

  3. Hi Lisa - I'd be interested in seeing if we make a good fit. I write contemporary romance, with some suspense & humour. I'm working on pacing & upping the sexy times. I'm pretty good with dialogue & characters & definitely cheerleading!
    We can chat over pina coladas if you like :)

  4. Lisa I like your pitch. I too write full drafts then revise. I am just getting into gif's but find them to be apt and hilarious. I would love to swap chapters and see if we are a match. Oh and I was a cheerleader in high school and still have a few good moves. No splits though, I am to old for that!

    Kristi Radford


Please leave your courteous and professional comments for the writer! We'd love to hear from you! : )